

Girls would often say, “I’m not your typical girl…”  But as for me, well I’m not really sure.

I am someone who thinks about romantic love on Valentine’s day.  I want to feel love–the head over heels, lucky-i’m-in-love, joyful-happy love.  But ever since I have known the meaning of this day, my valentine’s day has always been sad.

There were times that I was single, sometimes in a relationship, with celebration, without celebration.  But no matter what status I was in, I was still sad on this day like something or someone is still missing.

I wanted love on valentine’s day but I never really celebrated it.  Is that typical?

This valentine’s day, my thoughts linger on romantic love.  I tried listening to love songs just because Feb 14 is coming.  I also think about what I would want this valentine’s day.  And I just realized what I want.

I want to feel like nothing is lacking in my life.  I want to acknowledge the completeness I have in God.  That with God in my life–I am joyous, complete, and happy with who I am.  This time around, I want to feel happy this Valentine’s day–not with the typical kind of love that people seek on Valentine’s day but with the love that comes from the Lord.